The Fire Risk Assessment is an integral part of Organizational safety and security. A Fire can turn violent with the simplest of provocation and is capable of causing massive damage to life and property. In an Industrial Set up, the Fire risk is inherent and continuous monitoring of the same is desired. Industries dealing with explosives and combustible substances are found to be at higher risk of the same. In many countries, it’s a legal requirement to carry out a fire risk assessment on almost every premise where manpower is employed.

India reports a surprisingly high number of Fire Accidents caused by Short-circuits, followed by LPG leaks or due to various classes of Fire categorized combustible material. To create awareness among general Public, every year, April 14th to 20th is observed as Fire Safety Week. Still, a lot is left to be done.
In an endeavor to make a safer environment, TheSafetyMaster, leading pioneer in Industrial and Environmental Safety offers expert services in Fire Risk Assessment of your premises. At TheSafetyMaster, our Fire risk assessors pride ourselves on having extensive knowledge of highest standard. By using our Services, you can rest assured that you are getting the best advice and the most cost-effective solutions to your problems. Our experienced risk assessors make reasonable judgements on the level of risks presented by non-compliances and decide the extent of damage in case of any serious accident. Normally, a fire hazard has two components-
1. The possibility of occurrence.
2. The magnitude of consequences of that Fire.
Our Experts take every factor into consideration before arriving at the conclusions. The objectives of a basic Fire Safety assessment survey are-
To identify fire hazards and people at risk.
To determine whether the fire safety measures and management policies are commensurate with the nature and size of business
To limit the effects if a Fire breaks out.
Once you decide to engage us, we visit your premises and conduct a detailed fire risk assessment or audit of the workplace, current safety measures and suggest improvements there on
Our fire risk assessment includes-
Identifying potential Fire areas and storage spaces.
Calculating Fire load and risk factor
Review of the current fire protection measures and suggest changes wherever necessary as per existing safety norms and regulations
Prepare a Fire emergency plan and a Team to handle the situation by providing training on First Aid, rescues etc.
Review the Firefighting equipment time-to-time and upkeep thereof -Follow-up procedure to identify any deviation from the suggested procedures and plug the loopholes immediately.
Send us your enquiry to or speak to our expert at +917665231743 for getting above services today to achieve safety goals.